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New Brand Agency Group - Mark Malatesta

New Brand Agency Group | New Brand Literary Agency

Mark Malatesta - New Brand Literary AgencyNew Brand Literary Agency, also known as New Brand Agency Group, was a successful boutique agency that represented authors of books with bestseller or high commercial potential in all genres, including fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books. New Brand was owned and operated by Former Literary Agent Mark Malatesta (see Reviews About Mark Malatesta here) known at the time as Mark Ryan (his stepfather’s last name). Authors Mark represented during his time with New Brand Agency were published with major publishing houses such as: Random House, Broadway, Barron’s Educational, Sourcebooks, New Page, Andrews McMeel, F&W, Workman, Prentice-Hall, Contemporary, Amacom, Entrepreneur, St. Martin’s, Ballantine, Harcourt, Renaissance, Pocket Books, Peachtree, Penguin, Simon and Schuster, Hyperion, and Scholastic.

Although Mark is proud of the many authors he helped to become successful, he’s also proud that he was a member of the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR) for several years, from 2002-05, before he stopped being an agent and closed New Brand Agency. To qualify for membership in the AAR, an agent must be sponsored by two existing members, sell ten book traditional publishers within eighteen months, and abide by the AAR code of ethics. Less than one third of all literary agents are members of the AAR. That’s why Mark will always be an advocate for the AAR and suggest that authors attempt to work with agents who are members. However, for legal reasons, please note that the AAR does not sponsor or endorse Mark Malatesta in any way. Click here to learn more about the Association of Authors’ Representatives.

New Brand Literary Agency – Success Stories

Authors Mark Malatesta represented during his time as a literary agent with New Brand Agency, and negotiated book deals for, include:

Harry H. Harrison Jr. has more than four million books in print and his parenting and gift books have been listed on the New York Times and Book Sense list of best selling nonfiction trade paperback books for more than ten years. Harry’s first book, Father to Son: Life Lessons on Raising a Boy (Workman Publishing) has sold more than 1,000,000 copies. His second book, Father to Daughter: Life Lessons on Raising a Girl (Workman Publishing) has sold nearly 1,000,000 copies as well. Harry has been interviewed on dozens of television programs, more than fifty radio programs, and been the subject of two documentaries. Thomas Nelson published Harry’s most recent book series, the seven-book 1001 Series, and his books are available in thirty countries around the world.

Jim Brown is the critically acclaimed mystery/suspense/thriller author of 24/7 and Black Valley, both published by Random House and optioned for feature film. Jim’s novels have been published in more than two-dozen countries and been translated into Japanese, Dutch, Russian, Korean, and Bulgarian. In addition to being a successful author, Jim is a renowned broadcast journalist who has worked with NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox. He has broadcast live for CNN, been featured in a BBC documentary, and reported for execution of Jerry Lee Moore from inside the Oregon State Penitentiary. As a crime reporter Jim has covered the Atlanta Child Killings; the Stocking Strangler; the Springfield, Oregon school shooting, and countless other criminal and court cases. He has been threatened and even shot at—but he’s always gotten the story.

Carol Plum-Ucci is the author of more than half a dozen young adult novels published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt including The Body of Christopher Creed and What Happened to Lani Garver? Carol’s novels have been nominated for Michael J. Printz Honor Book Awards, selected for the Reader’s International Children’s Choice Awards List, chosen as a finalist in the Edgar Allan Poe Awards, and been selected as the Amazon Editor’s #1 Choice in Teen Lit. Carol Plum-Ucci has received seven citations from the YA division of the American Library Association, YALSA, for three of her books. Two of her novels have been named Best Books for Young Adults, with additional nominations, and her novels have been named Junior Library Guild Premiere Selections. In addition, Carol’s work has received starred reviews, and been selected as a featured book both in Seventeen Magazine and YM Magazine.

Michael Dahl is the author of more than 100 books for younger readers including the Finnegan Zwake Mystery Series published by Simon & Schuster and Scholastic, which has won rave reviews and was shortlisted for the Edgar and the Anthony Mystery Awards. Michael is also the author of many nonfiction titles, for which he has won the AEP Distinguished Achievement Award three times. Michael is the author The Everything Kid’s Joke Book (Adams Media), and he is the Editorial Director for Stone Arch Books in Minneapolis. Michael’s books have been selected by the Junior Library Guild and his ten-book fantasy series, The Library of Doom, is extremely popular. Michael is also a frequently sought after speaker who’s made presentations to schools, libraries, bookstores, and conferences in the Untied States and abroad including the ALA, TLA, NOLA, NYAEC, AASL, EncycloMedia and IRA.

Other authors Mark Malatesta represented during his time with New Brand Agency Group include: Mark Delaney, author of the Misfits, Inc. Mystery Series; Aggie Jordan, nonfiction self-help author of The Marriage Plan; Pala Copeland and Al Link, authors of Soul Sex: Tantra For Two; Nancy Jones and Phil Philcox, authors of The Women’s Guide to Legal Issues; George and Sedena Cappanelli, authors of Say Yes to Change;  Phil Porter, author of Eat Or Be Eaten; Jeff Caponigro, author of The Crisis Counselor; John Putzier, author of Get Weird!; Dave Donelson, author of Creative Selling;  Richard Redding & Myrna Papurt Weibel, authors of The Dog’s Drugstore; Susan Rottman, author of multiple young adult novels; Patrick & Jennifer Bishop, author of Money-Tree Marketing; and the estate of Rae Foley, author of multiple novels.

Click here to learn more about former literary agent Mark Malatesta.

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