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Reviews - Mark Malatesta - Christian Authors

Christian Author Reviews of Mark Malatesta

Scroll below to see Mark Malatesta Reviews provided by Christian book authors who worked 1-on-1 with Mark as an author coach to secure book deals with publishers such as Thomas Nelson. Mark Malatesta is a former literary agent and founder and president of The Bestselling Author and Literary Agent Undercover. He works with authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books), primarily to help them improve their writing projects and pitch materials to get the attention of top literary agents.


Reviews of Mark Malatesta by Christian Authors

Christian Author Reviews of Mark Malatesta.

Before I decided to work with Mark, I submitted my book to literary agents but didn’t get any interest. After I revised my query letter and book proposal, I got several agencies interested and decided to sign with Fine Print Lit, a top literary agency in New York. They got publishers bidding against each other and I ended up signing a contract with Thomas Nelson (an imprint of Harper Collins) for what I’ve been told by several people is a very large advance. What cloud is higher than 9?” [click here to see the full Christian author review of author coach Mark Malatesta]


S C O T T . L E R E T T E

Author of the memoir The Unbreakable Boy (Thomas Nelson/Harper Collins), adapted to feature film with Lionsgate starring Zachary Levi, Amy Acker, and Patricia Heaton

“When I got a letter from Bruce Barbour, one of the most successful Christian agents, saying my proposal was one of the best he’s ever seen, I was floored. It was silly though because I’d worked very hard, with your help, but I was still in disbelief. It can be a lonely job, trying to get an agent and get a book published. I could tell from our first phone call, there was nothing arrogant about you. It wasn’t, ‘Well, aren’t you lucky to be working with me? Send over the bucks and I’ll consider you.’ I appreciate that most of all.” [click here to see the full Christian author review of author coach Mark Malatesta]

A N N I E . F A R R I S

Author of That One Person: The True Story of a God Appointed Stranger Who Saved the Life of a Little Girl with Her Love, published by Crosslink Publishing, a traditional publisher and subsidiary of the CrossLink family of ministries

“Woohoo!!! I just got an offer for representation!! My work with you gave me the strength and credibility I needed—and my agent LOVED the title and theme framework you suggested, so I want to give you props for that! She said there’s obviously nothing new under the sun, but the way I approached the project felt unique. [My agent also] loves that my book proposal had so much information. It’s funny because, looking at my proposal, you’d think I’d been doing this type of platform work for many years. Thank you for making this such an enjoyable process. I have no doubt that I couldn’t have done it without you. I’m really grateful. [click here to see the full Christian author review of author coach Mark Malatesta]

A N G I E . G I B B O N S

Author of the Christian nonfiction book Walking the Tightrope (not yet published)

“When I found Mark’s website, I was floundering. Publishing was an unknown world to me, but I felt that Mark would guide everything in the right direction. I wanted to have someone who knew the industry, and I knew that I could have confidence in him. I was thrilled when our work together led to a publisher making an offer on my book! Mark never led me anywhere or told me anything that didn’t turn out to be exactly what it should have been, or what he said it would be.” [click here to see the full Christian author review of author coach Mark Malatesta]

K A R E N . S A R G E N T

Author of the Christian novel Waiting for Butterflies (Amphorae / Walrus Publishing), winner of the IAN book awards for both Outstanding Christian Fiction and Book of the Year

Before I worked with Mark, I sent out queries but no one ever asked to read my complete manuscript. Mark helped me get a well-known agent with Hartline Literary Agency, who then got me a publishing contract with an American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) approved publisher. I’m hard-pressed to find anything that I had an expectation for that Mark didn’t deliver on. Now I’m sending him referrals!!!” [click here to see the full Christian author review of author coach Mark Malatesta]

M I C H A E L . T H O M P S O N

Author of the Christian novels The Rector and The Actress

“Elk Lake Publishing just offered me a contract!! When I got [it], I took a deep breath [and] jumped up and down. I’m very methodical and organized, so you’ve been a blast to work with. You’re also very encouraging, and I needed that too at times. We’re all good at certain things, and not others. To be perfectly honest, I hate marketing and told the Lord, ‘I don’t get it, I don’t want to get it, and I don’t want to do it. I want somebody else to do it.’ Then your website popped up. You’re a blessing.” [click here to see the full Christian author review of author coach Mark Malatesta]

N A N C Y . W I L L I A M S

Author of Murder Walks on Peachtree Street, published by Elk Lake Publishing, a traditional Christian publisher and member of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA), the Christian Indie Publishers Association (CIPA), and associate member of the Christian Retailers Association, with more than 175 books in print

“I was just offered representation by Shannon Marven with Dupree/Miller & Associates. Her agency represents authors including Joel Osteen, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Dr. Phil, Dr. Stephen Covey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver, and The Duchess of York. Shannon loved my query. I want to thank you for your thoughtful and excellent advice. You erased the clouds shrouding the process of getting an agent, and I think I may have broken the record of getting one so fast!” [click here to see the full Christian author review of Mark Malatesta, author coach]

D R . B I L L . C R E A S Y

Author of the upcoming book, Reading the Bible: A Literary Guide to Scripture, and creator/host of the Scripture Uncovered podcast, which has had 1.3 million "listens"

I just had a call with Jim Hart and his mother Joyce with Hartline Literary Agency, one of the most established and successful literary agencies serving Christian writers and readers, and they offered me representation! YAY!!! I am SO grateful for you and your help. Jim was very pleased with my proposal. He said it was excellent. He was like, ‘Proposals should be like Goldilocks. Not too short, not too long. Just right. And yours was perfect!’” [click here to see the full Christian author review of author coach Mark Malatesta]
M O L L Y . H U F F M A N

Author of the Christian memoir God's Favor (not yet published)

“You have about 8 seconds — and sometimes just the subject line — to get the attention of literary agents. Working with Mark is an opportunity to be sure about what’s working, and see what needs to improve. If I hadn’t worked with Mark, I would have quit a year ago. That’s just a fact. Now I have an agent with Hartline Literary Agency!” [click here to see the full Christian author review of author coach Mark Malatesta]

J O E L . T O W N S E N D

Author of the Christian nonfiction book Christian Mindfulness (not yet published)

Christian Authors – View More Reviews of Mark Malatesta

The reviews listed above by Christian book authors are only some of the reviews about Mark Malatesta on this website. To see additional comments and reviews about Mark’s websites, author newsletter, articles, training, speaking, events, etc. click here to view General Reviews About Mark Malatesta. Also, if you want 1-on-1 support to help you get your Christian book published with a publisher like Thomas Nelson, click here to access all of the Free Resources on our websites for authors. And click here to find out how you can Schedule an Introductory Coaching Call with Mark Malatesta, Author Coach.

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