Mark Malatesta Author Coaching
Schedule Your 1-on-1 Author Coaching Session with
Mark Malatesta Below (60 minutes) and Get an Extra Bonus
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Former literary agent Mark Malatesta
is offering 1-hour coaching sessions
Dear Author,
Did you know you can have me review any/all of the following: first 50 pages of your book or book idea, query letter, synopsis, book proposal, website and/or social media presence? I’ll take notes and provide you with my proprietary Author Questionnaire as well, to help you prepare for our time together. Then we’ll get on the phone (or Skype) for a full hour so I can tell you the best ways to write, publish, and/or market your book. I’ll answer all your questions. And I’ll record the call for you (most people listen 2-3 times, that’s how helpful these calls can be).
As an added bonus, you’ll get a recording of a special interview with FOX TV news anchor and suspense novelist Jim Brown (24/7 and Black Valley, Random House), talking about How to Get Featured on the News. That’s more than $1,200 worth of Bestselling Author Coach™ training… for just $297 (with a 100% money back guarantee). But you have to sign up now. These coaching sessions are first-come, first-served.
This offer not available for existing clients.
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What Do You Want/Need Help With?
* Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing: Figure out which one is best for you.
* Book Concept/Title/Genre: Which one of your books has the greatest potential (or, how can you make your existing book more marketable)? What’s the best title for your book? Or, what genre(s) does it fit into?
* Literary Agent Research & Submissions: What’s the easiest/fastest way to find the best literary agents for you and your work? And what’s the best strategy to use when approaching them?
* Query Letter/Synopsis/Proposal: Create an irresistible query letter that gets literary agents asking to read your material and offer representation. Write a book synopsis that’s just as good as your book. Create a book proposal that gets the attention of top literary agents and generates a big advance.
* First 50 Pages: Tighten up that all-important first 50 pages of your manuscript and avoid the common mistakes that lead to rejection.
* Author Platform: Discover simple strategies to quickly improve your credibility and influence.
* Myths & Misconceptions: Every author falls for some of them. Identify misinformation and false beliefs that are sabotaging your success and preventing you from reaching your goals.
* Should You Try to Get Published?: On a scale of 1 to 10 I’ll tell you what I think, give you concrete reasons why, and recommend next steps.
* In a Sticky Situation: I’ll show you the easiest way to fix it (i.e. bad agent, bad publisher, bad contract, etc.)
* Turn Your Book into a Business: Discover how to leverage your expertise into other streams of income—not just books.
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“I never had so many realizations and learned so many concepts as I did during my 1-hour Bestselling Author Coaching™ meeting. The value I got is so worth the money. I can’t believe I didn’t schedule my appointment earlier, instead of wasting money on other coaches and do-it-yourself learning programs. Thank you so much, you are awesome!”
Dagmar Gatell
Orlando, FL USA
Click here to see More Reviews About Mark Malatesta.
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Who should participate?
Bestselling Author Coaching™ appointments with Former Literary Agent Mark Malatesta are for authors who want help to write, publish, or market their books:
* Authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books)
* Authors at all stages of development and success (everyone from beginners to previously published authors who have a dozen books in print with major publishers)
* Authors who are frustrated because they haven’t gotten the results they want from agents and publishers
* Authors who haven’t started marketing their work yet, who want to give themselves the greatest competitive advantage
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“I used my Bestselling Author Coaching™ time to improve my query letter. Trying to get an agent without a great query letter is like trying to get into a bar in a dry county on a Sunday. I’ve always been aware of the need for a hook, but Mark helped me create a hook in every paragraph. I really had to rearrange my language… now every paragraph is a story in and of itself. You can write for you own amusement… but the real test is making your writing enjoyable for other people [and getting it in front of them]. If that’s your goal, schedule a Bestselling Author Coaching™ session.”
Roger Murray
Longmont, CO
Click here to see more Mark Malatesta Reviews.
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Other Important Information
As soon as you RSVP for your Bestselling Author Coaching™ session (using the button below), you’ll get a questionnaire from me with important questions about you and your book(s). The more I know about you and your work before we get on the phone, the more I’ll be able to help you as your Bestselling Author Coach™. Plus, you’ll be able to use that same information to market your book. Finally, make sure you reserve your space NOW… because I schedule Bestselling Author Coaching™ appointments on a first-come, first-served basis.
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coaching and consulting page.
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“Dear Mark, I am happy to tell you that I now have an agent. I shall always remain grateful for all the help you gave me. You are always so very helpful to authors who are struggling to get representation. You taught me how to write the best query and you helped me to see light on the other side of the tunnel when I was not in an enviable situation. Your greatest help was that you put in perspective my course of action towards getting an agent. You also told me which were the best and most reliable guides to agents. And I must not forget that you have continued to help me develop confidence in myself. All best.”
Lakshmi Raj Sharma
Allahabad, India
The Tailor’s Needle (Penguin)
View our Complete List of Mark Malatesta Reviews by clicking here.
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Why Am I Doing This?
* I know what it’s like. If you don’t know my story yet, I’m actually a writer who went undercover as a literary agent to learn how to get my own books published. I would have done anything to have a Bestselling Author Coaching™ appointment with someone experienced when I was getting started. If you feel the same way, I’d love to share my secrets with you.
* One insider secret can make all the difference. We all need help to see things that we can’t see alone (or implement strategies the right way). That’s the beauty of working with me as your Bestselling Author Coach™. No more painful guessing, loneliness, and costly mistakes. I’ll tell you exactly what you should do next during your time with me.
* This is a great low-cost, no-risk way for you to work with me. Plus (if you’re thinking about signing up for one of my longer-term Bestselling Author Coaching™ programs) this is a great way for you to get to know me better, before making that bigger commitment.
* Some authors can’t afford (at least not yet) my other Bestselling Author Coaching™ programs. I know that because some of you have told me! But you still want me as your coach. This is the solution for you.
* It’s my way of giving back. This type of Bestselling Author Coaching™ session isn’t a big money-making strategy in and of itself. But I’m able to do it because a lot of the people who take advantage of this offer, end up joining one of my bigger Bestselling Author Coaching™ programs.
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“Hiring Mark as my Bestselling Author Coach™ has been an awesome experience. Mark has been an absolute godsend for me… some of the best money I’ve ever spent. Mark personally helped me review my plans, my business background, my goals and aspirations, recommended book titles, and helped me put together the concept for my book series. Now we’re working on writing the query letter and proposal. I’m super excited.”
Brad Semp
The World’s Only Busyness Doctor
Click here to See All Reviews About Mark Malatesta.
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Risk Free Acceptance Form
Yes! I Want Instant Access Now!
I understand that I’ll receive:
* Mark’s detailed Author Questionnaire ($197 value)
* Personal review by Mark Malatesta of my completed Author Questionnaire as well as any/all of the following that I have available: first 50 pages of your book, query letter, synopsis, book proposal, website, and social media presence ($497 value)
* A 1-hour Bestselling Author Coaching™ session with former NY Times bestselling literary agent and Bestselling Author Coach™ Mark Malatesta ($497 value)
* A recording of my call so I can listen to it again later ($27 value)
* A bonus mp3 titled How to Get Featured on the News with FOX TV news anchor and suspense novelist Jim Brown, author of 24/7 and Black Valley, Random House ($27 value)
That’s more than $1,200 worth of training and coaching with former literary agent Mark Malatesta… for just $297
IMPORTANT: As soon as I register, I’ll get instant access to the bonus mp3 and the detailed Author Questionnaire to help me prepare for my Bestselling Author Coaching™ session (so I can get more value out of my call). Once I submit the completed questionnaire, I’ll receive a link to a private online calendar where I’ll be able to choose a day/time for my Bestselling Author Coaching™ appointment.
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Sessions scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.* * *
“I had my hour-long Bestselling Author Coaching™ appointment with Mark and have been flying high ever since! Mark was on point, concise and very helpful in helping me. I would advise anyone to do the one-hour Bestselling Author Coaching™ call. From the questionnaire alone that I got in advance, Mark was able to guide me into some areas I had not even considered. I look forward to hiring Mark as a coach for a long-term program and being one of his superstar success stories!”
Beatrice Bruno
The Drill Sergeant of Life
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This isn’t going to be a “fluff” or “sales” call. I’ll do everything I can to help you write, publish, and/or promote your book as your Bestselling Author Coach™. But don’t take my word for it. Look at the all of the Reviews and Testimonials About Mark Malatesta here, and the 100% NO-RISK GUARANTEE below. Reserve your spot for a Bestselling Author Coaching™ session. Scroll back up and press the “Add to Cart” button now.
And remember…
Getting published isn’t luck,
it’s a decision.
Mark Malatesta
The Bestselling Author Coach™
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coaching and consulting page.
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100% Risk-Free Money Back Guaranteefor Savvy, Nervous, and/or Skeptical Writers
I’ve heard countless stories about authors who’ve been scammed. I was fooled myself, as a college student (embarrassing, but true). I submitted some of my love poems to a contest that I later learned was designed not for the poets, but to make money for the organizers. The poets were sent deceptive letters, making them more likely to spend money on the useless anthologies that they were being published in (with THOUSANDS of other naive poets).
That’s just one of the many reasons I have a detailed article on this site warning authors about bad literary agents and writing scams. That’s ALSO why I take pride in guaranteeing your satisfaction 100%. If you, for ANY reason, don’t feel that your call was worth your investment, I’ll refund it instantly. That way you literally have NO RISK and NO REASON to let this Bestselling Author Coaching™ offer pass you by.
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Click here to Post a Question or Comment. Please don’t send anything via postal mail to our NYC or Beverly Hills mailing addresses unless it has been requested (it will be recycled).
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