Natalie Neelan, author of Rebel At Work: How to Innovate and Drive Results When You Aren’t the Boss, published by Diversion Books, a leading independent publisher in NYC, committed to the discovery of new voices and the rejuvenation of yesterday’s bestsellers, provided this review of former literary agent Mark Malatesta. Natalie worked with Mark to improve her query letter, book proposal, and manuscript, which resulted in literary agency representation with a top literary agent and a subsequent book deal with a traditional publisher (name to be announced soon). Scroll below to learn more. Click here to see all Mark Malatesta reviews. And click here to learn more about Literary Agent Undercover and The Bestselling Author after you read the review about Mark Malatesta below by Natalie Neelan.
Mark Malatesta Review by Natalie Neelan
“When a top agent called to say that he wanted to represent me, shortly after I sent out my first round of queries, I stood up and did the Toyota cheer where you’re jumping up and down! Do you remember that commercial? I’m probably dating myself saying that, but it was a proud moment because I had put so much work into my book and getting it done. I chose my agent because I wanted someone who was hip and hard working, and the agent information you sent me helped me figure that out. Now I know that what you say on your website about it being a decision to get published, not luck, is spot on. It’s one of those things where you have to roll up your sleeves and get it done. I made that decision when I found you, that my book was going to be published, come hell or high water.
Before working with you, I sent out my old query and proposal to test the waters. I followed someone else’s template for a book proposal, but didn’t get anywhere. I had no idea what I was doing, no clue. After I went to your website and realized how little I understood about the industry, I started to get educated and then signed up to work with you. I soon found out that my original query letter stunk because it was all about me and I wasn’t writing from the perspective of agents. The success ratio of the new query was fantastic, and my updated proposal one had twice as much detail as the old one. I didn’t even consider putting half that stuff in, and I’m pretty good at selling things! But you’re a former agent so you know what’s important. Even though I had a hint of what was mattered when trying to find an agent, I didn’t really know. You do. The proof is in the fact that I now have an agent!
When you sent me the revised query I was like oh my gosh is this it!? It was so casual and simple I was like I don’t know if this is going to work or not. But I trusted you and sure enough I was blown away at how easy it was. I don’t want to say easy, but you made it as easy as possible for me. I really appreciate that. I can’t remember how many agents requested my book proposal but it was really impressive. What was even more impressive was the response I got back from the famous authors and experts you told me to contact for possible testimonials and other promotional opportunities. That was ridiculous! I got a total of 14 heavy hitters, including bestselling authors in my genre such as Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Daniel Pink, Jon Gordon, and Astral Teller who just did a TED talk. He’s the head of Google Moon Shots. That was huge! And I was impressed with how gracious the authors were. It was fantastic.
Before I began working with you, I thought an author just kicked a finished book over to a publisher and it magically all got done. You know, all of the promotion. I didn’t realize how important your platform is, especially if you’re a nonfiction author. Now I know that publishers want you to be able to help get exposure and sell books. But getting good promotional partners is something easy that any author can do, if they know how to do it. You also helped me to get on and start lining up speaking engagements, which also helped my platform, and you told me what I needed to do to get a website online. I’m still figuring it all out but, again, it’s about rolling up your sleeves and simply deciding to make it happen.
You also helped me so much with revising my manuscript. When I started writing I threw everything up on paper, which was actually useful to me because sometimes you have to get the ideas out of your head. When you started giving me guidance on the corrections, I was really upset because it had already taken so much work to get to that point. But everything you gave me in terms of constructive criticism was spot on and made me better. It also made me narrow my focus, which is exactly what I needed. Your coaching program was a lot of money for someone like me to invest in. I had to move money around to save up enough. It was like, where am I going to get this money? But I wanted your expertise and so I found the money. There are a lot of people who promise literary success on the Internet, but you gave away so much knowledge for free on your website that I thought, if you already gave away all of this for free, you must have stuff you’re holding back.
Working with you was a big investment, but I was committed to bringing my book to life so it was well worth it. I had so much self-doubt that, even to this day, I can’t completely believe what I’ve accomplished. But it’s because you were my support system. I had a man who is a billionaire tell me to flush my book down the toilet. I actually had a number of people tell me that I would never be successful, but you always believed that I would get it done and I appreciate that. Given the nature of publishing these days, you need all the help you can get. It’s hard finding an agent and getting published! It’s also a commitment, but if you follow Mark’s process and believe in the work, it can be amazing. I’m very pleased.”
Natalie Neelan
Author of Rebel At Work: How to Innovate and Drive Results When You Aren’t the Boss, published by Diversion Books, a leading independent publisher in NYC, committed to the discovery of new voices and the rejuvenation of yesterday’s bestsellers
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Do You Want to Be Like Natalie Who Provided this Review About Mark Malatesta?
Do you want to get multiple literary agents interested in your work and sign with a top agent like Natalie? Click here to get instant access to the Free Resources on our websites for authors and click here to find out how you can Schedule an Introductory Coaching Call. Mark Malatesta is founder of The Bestselling Author and Literary Agent Undercover, helping authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books) get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals. The above review of Mark Malatesta was provided by author Natalie Neelan.

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