Bob Brink, author of the Amazon bestseller Murder in Palm Beach (Precipice Press) and Blood on Their Hands (TouchPoint Press), provided this review of former literary agent Mark Malatesta. Bob worked with Mark to improve his pitch materials, resulting in him getting an offer from a publisher. Scroll below to learn more. Click here to see all Mark Malatesta reviews. And click here to learn more about Literary Agent Undercover and The Bestselling Author after you read the review about Mark Malatesta below by Bob.
Mark Malatesta Review by Bob Brink
Not only did I get a publishing contract, my book now has more than 100 reviews and it was named an Amazon bestseller.
Before I decided to work with you, I sent out queries, but didn’t get one request to read my manuscript. I didn’t even get a request from someone to read sample pages or chapters. Within days of sending out my new query, two agents asked for a partial and a full. Over the course of querying many more agents, I received a total of 12 requests.
Several agents praised my work but weren’t quite sold. So, using the same pitch materials, I began querying publishers that don’t require an agent. After five or six weeks, two small publishers asked to publish my book and sent me contracts. I signed with the larger one.
I was very iffy about my original query that I had somebody else write. The version you wrote enhanced my hopes. It was more appealing and clarified everything. I was surprised by it, to tell you the truth, that you didn’t stick with my original opening, which I initially thought was hard-hitting, the best part of the query.
The investment required to work with you was a pretty good-sized one, but I got my money’s worth. At first, I was concerned that if I worked with you and I wasn’t successful, I would feel like my money had been spent in vain. But then I decided I’d rather know I gave it my absolute best shot. That’s worth the money.
I am, by no stretch of the imagination, wealthy, but I get by. So, I figured that into the equation as well when I decided that working with you was going to be good for me. One way or the other. I don’t think there’s any way I could have done as well I did without your guidance.
There’s a gal in my writing group who’s been extremely skeptical about changing her query. She’s a former attorney and pretty tough-minded. She got advice from an agent who said she hates when people start a query letter with a punchy beginning. I told her, “Your query stinks.” She was pretty frank with me, so I was frank with her.
I said, “Look, this guy Malatesta pointed out they get thousands of query letters. You’ve got to get right to the point.” Now she wants to see my query, but I knew you wouldn’t want me to share your methods, so I haven’t done that. There are several other people I’ve told about you, too. But most people just watch, they don’t get out there and do it.
Judging from the responses I’d gotten from the query letters I wrote myself, I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. I’d be continuing to send out query letters in vain, either getting rejections or not getting anything. I realized I had to do something different or keep spinning my wheels.
I’m not a patient person and I’m not technical, so I was surprised and relieved that the agent spreadsheet you sent me didn’t cause me as many problems as I thought it would. Actually, there were very few problems. I got it working fairly quickly and started moving along at a good pace without much difficulty.
The first phone call we had together, the initial hour-long introductory coaching call, was also important and helpful. That’s what made me decide to go ahead and do the longer-term coaching program with you, the whole shebang. I knew you were the man to help me. The testimonials played a very big part, too. They sounded very good.
Everything on your website made it seem you’re a forthright person. I felt I could trust you, that what you were saying was accurate. I also like that you’ve been a successful agent. You’ve been on the inside and really know what agents are looking for. I don’t know of anyone else with your background doing what you’re doing.
By no means was what you did for me limited to writing a query letter and sending me an agent list. I asked you questions as well, and you always answered with expert advice. You advised me how to respond to agent requests, and, in some cases, you actually provided the text. And, when the publishers offered contracts, you appraised them and advised me which one to accept.
Our conversations have been enlightening and enjoyable. I could talk with you all afternoon. You’re congenial and tactful, and you’re good at helping authors keep their morale up. Your encouragement to persevere has been a boost for my confidence. And those members of my writers’ group who were skeptical when I decided to go with your service aren’t skeptical now!
Author of the Amazon bestseller Murder in Palm Beach (Precipice Press) and Blood on Their Hands (TouchPoint Press)
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Do You Want to Be Like Bob Brink Who Provided this Review About Mark Malatesta?
Do you want to be like Bob and get an offer from a publisher? Click here to get instant access to the Free Resources on our websites for authors and click here to find out how you can Schedule an Introductory Coaching Call. Mark Malatesta is founder of The Bestselling Author and Literary Agent Undercover, helping authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books) get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals. The above review of Mark Malatesta, Author Coach was provided by author Bob Brink.

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