C.D. Peterson, author of many book including Home Front: A Memoir from WWII as well as How to Leave Your Job and Buy a Business of Your Own (McGraw-Hill), How to Sell Your Business (McGraw-Hill), Business Brokerage (McGraw-Hill), Staying in Demand (McGraw-Hill), and On Your Own (McGraw-Hill), provided this review of former literary agent Mark Malatesta. C.D. worked with Mark to improve his latest manuscript, pitch materials, and platform resulting in publication. Scroll below to learn more. Click here to see all Mark Malatesta reviews. And click here to learn more about Literary Agent Undercover and The Bestselling Author after you read the review about Mark Malatesta below by C.D.
Mark Malatesta Review by C.D. Peterson
Times have changed. Years ago, an author didn’t always need an agent. When my previous books were published with McGraw-Hill and Wiley, the publishers turned their publicity people loose and my job was simply to attend book signings and do phone interviews. Today, the first question an agent or publisher asks is “What’s your platform?”
Since my new book was published, I’ve also obtained newspaper coverage; conducted speaking engagements at veterans’ groups, libraries, and historical centers; and had my book adopted into three school systems because of both its accuracy and appeal to young adults. You didn’t help do all these things, but you put me on the course.
Writers, by their nature, are dreamers. They want to believe. When someone comes along and says, “I can make your dream come true, just send me some money,” we can be fairly gullible. The reason I listened to your recommendations, however, is because of all your success stories. You appeared experienced and reputable, so I reached out for help.
I have to say it has not been an easy process, but it has been very helpful. I would have thrashed trying to figure out how to do everything and what to say to people. Now, fair is fair. I want to talk about how you helped me take everything that was gnawing at the back of my head, get organized, and get going.
People keep asking me, “Why do you have to do everything in one day?” I’m sure you hear that from a lot of people, too. I intellectually understand it when someone says, “Why don’t you back off? Take it easy. You can do it tomorrow.” But you’ve got to get things done today, because you’ll need room for what’s coming tomorrow!
Before I called you, I sent out 30 queries or so. When I saw I was having trouble even getting simple “No thank you” responses, I realized the market had changed. Agents no longer feel any obligation to answer emails or return phone calls. So, I thought, “Well, you can whine about it, or you can call this guy Mark and see what he can do.”
There was a change with what you did, it’s an old marketing thing, my pitch went from features to benefits. My hope and confidence were also reinforced because there was a process I could follow. I was no longer flailing. You create a genuine flow of work for authors to get agents and get published. Dealing with you, it was, “Alright, now I’m in.”
Doing everything alone is frustrating. You send something out to an agent or publisher and it’s like dropping it down a well. You may not even hear a splash. But you have to do it. Mark will tell you, “Keep listening for the splash.” I mean, that’s what you have to do. It’s a numbers game, and you can rig the numbers in your favor by thinking everything through.
Mark is a guy you can pay to talk to, a dynamo full of ideas and energy, and his advice is sound. Bob Hope had a famous line, “Except for my USO tours, I will never perform in front of an audience for nothing, because they don’t appreciate it.” He had a basis to say something like that. It’s true.
You were very helpful, Mark, I want you to know that. You’ve got great reviews and it’s obvious you love what you do. It’s all over you. I remember looking at you having a picture taken with an author, thinking, “I’d like to do that. I want that experience” Thank you for everything, and I appreciate your continued interest in my success.
Author of Home Front: A Memoir from WWII (available in print, as an eBook, and on Audible) as well as How to Leave Your Job and Buy a Business of Your Own (McGraw-Hill), How to Sell Your Business (McGraw-Hill), Business Brokerage (McGraw-Hill), Staying in Demand (McGraw-Hill), On Your Own (McGraw-Hill)
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Do you want to be like C.D. and get published? Click here to get instant access to the Free Resources on our websites for authors and click here to find out how you can Schedule an Introductory Coaching Call. Mark Malatesta is founder of The Bestselling Author and Literary Agent Undercover, helping authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books) get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals. The above review of Mark Malatesta, Author Coach was provided by author C.D. Peterson.

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