David Pereda, award-winning author of multiple novels, provided this review of former literary agent Mark Malatesta. David worked with Mark to improve his pitch materials, which resulting in him finding a publisher he loves, who loves his writing. David’s books have won the Lighthouse Book Awards twice, the Royal Palm Awards, the National Indie Excellence Awards, and the Readers Favorite Awards twice. Scroll below to learn more. Click here to see all Mark Malatesta reviews. And click here to learn more about Literary Agent Undercover and The Bestselling Author after you read the review about Mark Malatesta below by David.
Mark Malatesta Review by David Pereda
Let me begin this eulogy of Mark Malatesta with a disclaimer. I didn’t receive an offer of representation from a top agent who helped me land a lucrative six-figure contract with Random House. However, I achieved my goal of finding the right publisher for my book and publishing it in 2021.
My novel, THE WALL, is now available in print format, and the e-book will soon follow on July 4th’ and my second novel GOLDEN, is scheduled for publication in 2022.
So, what did Mark have to do with my achieving my goal?
Before I tell you that, let me share with you what my strategy was.
I set a strategy based on two sequential steps: first, six-month querying of top agents to obtain representation; and two, if after six months I hadn’t received an offer of representation, a follow-up querying of publishers to get my novel published in 2021.
The first step of my strategy, which I started in late August 2020, produced a few nibbles and manuscript requests, and multiple warm and fuzzy emails from agents. Still, no representation offers—so, at the six-month mark, February 2021, I switched to step two of my strategy, querying publishers. Fairly quickly, in March of 2021, I found the small traditional publisher I was looking for: someone who loved my writing, would nurture and promote it, and publish the book in 2021.
And now to Mark and how he helped me achieve my goal.
I liken Mark to a master tailor from Saville Row. He’s not cheap. Who wants cheap, anyway? Cheap doesn’t fit right, doesn’t last long, and, most of all, doesn’t make you look your best. Mark develops a unique strategy for you based on your needs and wants as an author, a perfect fit, so you look your best when approaching agents and publishers—and he will be with you, holding your hand every step of your journey until you achieve success.
My journey started with the foundation of my unique strategy: the famous Malatesta Questionnaire. It continued with several face-to-face online interactions that ultimately culminated in generating a suitable query letter, a book synopsis, a recommendation on what agents to query and how selected from a comprehensive list provided by Mark, and a plan of action.
The material generated was so good that I ended up using the synopsis as the basis for the back-cover blurb of my book. And while I didn’t receive an offer of representation during the six months of my querying campaign, I received many warm and friendly letters. After I had already signed my publishing contract, one agent requested to see the entire manuscript.
Was the journey with Mark worth it? Absolutely.
I achieved my goal.
Award-winning author of multiple novels, including The Wall, published by Drake Valley Press, a traditional publisher of quality fiction and nonfiction, distributed by Ingram and Baker & Taylor
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Do You Want to Be Like David Pereda Who Provided this Review About Mark Malatesta?
Do you want to be like David and get a traditional publisher? Click here to get instant access to the Free Resources on our websites for authors and click here to find out how you can Schedule an Introductory Coaching Call. Mark Malatesta is founder of The Bestselling Author and Literary Agent Undercover, helping authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books) get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals. The above review of Mark Malatesta, Author Coach was provided by author David Pereda.

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