Francesca de Bardin, author of the not yet published nonfiction book It’s a Woman’s World, provided this review of former literary agent Mark Malatesta. Francesca worked with Mark to improve her manuscript, platform, and pitch materials resulting in representation with literary agent Paul Levine. Scroll below to learn more. Click here to see all Mark Malatesta reviews. And click here to learn more about Literary Agent Undercover and The Bestselling Author after you read the review about Mark Malatesta below by Francesca.
Mark Malatesta Review by Francesca de Bardin
LIFT OFF!!!!!!!!!
Within an hour of sending Paul Levine my query, he sent me an email that said,”Please call me.” So, I did. We chatted and he said, “I love this idea and I want to sell your book.” He told me that based on JUST the query letter. I said, “Great.” Paul then asked me to send him my book proposal. I told him I’d have to send it later, because I had to upgrade the promotional platform section I’d been working on.
A few weeks after I sent the proposal, I got another email that said, “I have now had a chance to read your book proposal. It’s fantastic, and I’m going to sell this book!!!”I was a bit stunned. Then I was extremely happy, obviously, and I was very, very relieved to not have to keep sending out more query letters. The relief was overwhelming. I’d sent out a lot and gotten to the point where I’d stopped overanalyzing which agents to send it to.
I then sent emails to my family and closest friends. Everybody was ecstatic because they’d been through it all with me since I wrote the book. The most important thing you did with the book was help me see how to organize it better. You also suggested I change the title, which was critical. The old title had a negative edge and that negativity ran through the manuscript. When I changed the title, I also edited the book to make it more positive.
The updated book doesn’t just emphasize the history of female oppression in various cultures. It makes female empowerment and gender equality in the world more of a fait accompli. It makes a case that we’ve already made a lot of progress, though more must be done. It’s just a question of recognizing it and acting on it. The content of the book didn’t change much. It was mainly how I framed it. Seeing how to change that was a lightbulb moment.
Of course, the query letter you created was great as well. Perfect. Remember, my agent offered to represent me after just reading the query letter. He hadn’t seen my book proposal yet, or the manuscript. Other agents were very pleasant as well, except for one feminist agent who thought I wasn’t being critical enough of men. The irony is that the male agents I queried who rejected the project were the most encouraging. That was surprising.
The men said things like, “This book has to be out there,” “This is very timely,” and “This is very salable.” Most women were supportive as well, but the men surprised me. The Excel spreadsheet you sent me, with all the agents I could query, surprised me as well. It was extraordinary. I don’t know how anybody could get a book published without having someone do what you did, put all that detailed information in an easy-to-work-with format.
I’ve been a business owner and CEO all my adult life. So, I’ve hired all types of consultants over the last 25 years: accountants, lawyers, marketers, you name it. But I’ve never had a consultant as good as you. You’ve been so professional and competent, with a level of integrity and responsiveness that’s rare. You’ve been superb, absolutely superb. I could never have gone through this without your expertise.
Ever, ever, ever.
You were also very lucky to have me as a client, as well, but I’ve told you that already. I’ve been a businesswoman my whole life, so I don’t just have a good sense of humor. I’m smart. That’s why I read everything on your website before I contacted you. All the content. All the success stories. Everything. There’s fraud everywhere in the world, so people need to be careful. Your website is extremely well put together and seemed to be the most comprehensive way to work with someone to get an agent. So, I thought it would be worth the money. After I had my first conversation with you, I knew it would be fine.
I’m thrilled we’re here.
Thank you…
Author of the nonfiction book
It’s a Woman’s World
(not yet published)
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Do You Want to Be Like Francesca de Bardin Who Provided this Review About Mark Malatesta?
Do you want to be like Francesca and get represented by a successful literary agent like Paul Levine? Click here to get instant access to the Free Resources on our websites for authors and click here to find out how you can Schedule an Introductory Coaching Call. Mark Malatesta is founder of The Bestselling Author and Literary Agent Undercover, helping authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books) get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals. The above review of Mark Malatesta, Author Coach was provided by author Francesca de Bardin.

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