Mark Malatesta Review by Lisa S. Roberts
I was absolutely shocked when a publisher contacted me within one week of submitting my work, saying, “I love this. When can we talk?” This is my fourth book, and I’ve never had that kind of immediate response. Everything about the experience was unthinkable. I couldn’t believe it. I kept reading the email, saying, “This can’t be real.” Especially since it was a publisher that produces wonderful books, treats their authors well, and has integrity. I’ve had a variety of relationships with publishers in the past, so I wanted to find a good one.
My book bridges categories, but when I had the first conversation with my publisher, he understood the book, thanks to you. That was most valuable part of our work together. You helped me understand how to position my book, and identify the audience. I’d been struggling to dumb down my content for a younger audience. You made me see my book differently, and helped me write at my comfort level. I also had confusion on the difference between a query letter and a book proposal, and you delineated the difference.
You prepared me for success, and you gave me a lot of helpful things for finding and contacting people to promote my books. Nontraditional strategies. Although I started with you to go through the process of finding an agent, the reality is that your process is
much broader than that. I like that you build on what people have to offer. You take wherever the author is and create a customized roadmap for them. And you do it without judgment. I never got any sense that you were critiquing my ability. You just showed the way, and seem like a pretty nice guy.
Your whole setup is very professional, extremely well done. One of the things that impressed me was the questionnaire you send to an author before you have a phone call with them. That questionnaire was so valuable because it allowed me to organize myself, focus, and go through everything in a logical and thoughtful sequence. It was a lot of work, but I’m sure that part of why you use it is that it’s a good screening tool. If an author isn’t willing to put in the time to fill out the
questionnaire, they’re not a serious candidate for your services.
I also liked the questionnaire because, by the time we had our first conversation, we weren’t starting at ground zero. You had thoroughly read everything, so we were able to get right into it. Everything was very targeted, pointed, and valuable when we talked. You absolutely make the most of every minute on the phone with someone. My time with you was incredibly helpful on so many levels. Thank you for this invaluable experience. You are truly gifted, and I’m thrilled I could be the beneficiary of your wealth of knowledge.
Author of What Is Good Design? (Schiffer), DesignPOP (Rizzoli), Mr. Waffles Loves Design (Canoe Tree Press), and Antiques of the Future (Stewart Tabori & Chang/Harry N. Abrams)
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Do You Want to Be Like Lisa Who Provided this Mark Malatesta Review?
Do you want to be like Lisa and get a book publisher you love? Click here to get instant access to the Free Resources on our websites for authors and click here to find out how you can Schedule an Introductory Coaching Call. Mark Malatesta is founder of The Bestselling Author and Literary Agent Undercover, helping authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books) get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals. The above review of Mark Malatesta, Author Coach was provided by author Lisa S. Roberts.

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