Children’s Book Author Reviews of Mark Malatesta
Scroll below to see Reviews of Mark Malatesta provided by children’s book authors who worked 1-on-1 with Mark as an author coach to secure book deals with publishers such as Scholastic, Harcourt, etc. Mark Malatesta is a former literary agent and founder and president of The Bestselling Author and Literary Agent Undercover. He works with authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books), primarily to help them improve their writing projects and pitch materials to get the attention of top literary agents.
Reviews of Mark Malatesta by Children’s Book Authors
“AHHH! OMG, it happened! Mark helped me get three offers for representation from top literary agents! A short time later I signed a publishing contract with Kane Miller (a division of EDC publishing). They distribute books to all major retail outlets including bookstores, gift stores, museums, etc. They also have a direct sales division made up of nearly 18,000 independent sales consultants that sell their books to schools and libraries, and at home parties, fundraising events and school book fairs. After that, my agent sold my next book to Philomel, a division of Penguin Books. In short: I’m in heaven!” [click here to see the full review of picture book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“After you helped me get an agent with Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, they got me a contract with Skyhorse Publishing. Publishers Weekly recently called Sky Horse the fastest-growing small publisher in America. They have 52 New York Times bestsellers! I can’t stress enough, honestly, how working with you was 100% the only reason this happened.” [click here to see the full review of chapter book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I tried to get an agent before I worked with Mark, but it’s devilishly hard to get representation. I don’t know if it was a mystical hand or what that led me to Mark’s website, but I’m grateful. The day I found his website I was ready to quit. Now Italia Gandolfo with Gandolfo Helin & Fountain Literary Management represents me. After I signed the contract, I emailed the other agents reading my manuscript to thank them and let them know I’d accepted another offer. Two of them apologized for their delay and asked me to consider them for future novels!” [click here to see the full review of children’s book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I was skeptical when I first learned about Mark’s services. Now I know that he is a nice honest guy who really knows what he’s doing. After I sent out my new query letter, I had six top agents request more material. Some literary agents replied in just a few hours and one of them responded in just 15 minutes. Mark does everything well and seemed genuinely interested in me, not just the idea of filling his wallet with my money.” [click here to see the full review of children’s book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I’m 80 years old and didn’t want to mess around wasting time trying to get a literary agent for my children’s picture book. Not long after I sent out the query letter Mark wrote for me, I got an email from a literary agent who said she loved my book and wanted to represent me! There were times when my work with Mark was overwhelming, but then I’d stop and do something else and come back the next time and think, okay, I can do it. And I did!” [click here to see the full review of picture book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I just got offers from multiple publishers and signed a three-book deal. Before I decided to work with you, I sent out queries by myself and no one ever asked to look at my stuff. With you I felt more confident. You don’t quit on your clients, unless and until they quit on themselves. That was the most unexpected thing, to see you’re that dedicated to your clients. I didn’t know what I was going to get at first, when I found you online. But, during our first call, I picked up on cues that you were the real deal. Anyone who sees what you’re doing should give you a try. If they don’t, they’ll be doing themselves a disservice.” [click here to see the full review of young adult book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I just got off the phone with Terrie Wolf at AKA Literary Management, thanks to you. We all need help, someone to give us a hand to get where we want to go. It’s nice that you tell people, ‘Listen, I don’t work with every author who asks me to be their client. I’m not going to take your money if it feels like ALL I would be doing is taking your money. I have to believe we might be able to get an agent.’ I really enjoyed working with you, Mark, and visiting with you. I’m excited, and I’m already sending you referrals. Thank you!” [click here to see the full review of picture book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I was staying at a summer house with my family when I received two offers for representation. It was awesome. Both agents were very enthusiastic, so it was a very hard choice, but I decided to sign with Jennifer Lyons. I didn’t want to say yes immediately because one of the agents offered to represent me based just on the query and my first chapter. Every time I emailed you with a new question or situation, you replied fast. Each time I woke up in the morning in Denmark, there was a reply from Mark. Extremely professional. So, thank you. I’ve got a ton of positive things to say about you.” [click here to see the full review of MG/YA fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“When I got the phone call about my publishing offer with Harcourt, I was in my office with three other people. I slammed down the phone, ran into the secretary’s office, threw myself down on the floor and said, ‘I got a deal!’ They sat there and held my hand. I was speechless. I’ve never ever been that happy in my life. On my wedding day I wasn’t that happy! Getting married and having children are wonderful experiences, but I didn’t ‘work’ to get my children!” [click here to see the full review of young adult fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I have an agent with Red Fox Literary and three children’s books coming out with Chronicle Books…which paired me with a top illustrator for each! Writing and trying to get published is difficult and emotional. You need someone with expertise to help you craft a succinct query that gets the attention of agents. Thank you, Mark, for being one of the important people in my life who helped me get here.” [click here to see the full review of young adult fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I just signed with literary agents Bethany Morehead and Cyle Young. I’m very excited, and very grateful! I’m going soon to celebrate and have champagne with a friend of mine who also worked with Mark. She got an agent as well, and her agent has already sold two of her books, the last one to Philomel Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House. Thank you for everything, Mark. It’s my pleasure to say all these things about our work together. You deserve it.” [click here to see the full review of picture book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“If you think you can get a literary agent on your own, don’t. Mark helped me get more than a dozen agents reading my manuscript, including some who had already passed on my work in the past. Other agents who asked for my manuscript were supposedly ‘closed’ to submissions. My literary agent was one of them! She said, ‘I’m not accepting queries right now, but I’ll read your novel—and I’ll read it fast.’ Three days later she offered me representation!” [click here to see the full review of young adult fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Mark, thank you for your great counsel, strategic insights, and kind words. You’re a master at the craft. My agent said the query you assisted me with was ‘scintillating’ and that she ‘adored’ my book. For me, it was worth committing to you because of the extent of your many years of professional experience and unflagging upbeat, positive attitude. Your thoughtfulness and care were evident throughout, and our conversations were always fun and informative. I appreciate your love of the written word and your passion.” [click here to see the full review of picture book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“If I hadn’t found Mark, I’d probably still be where I was before I contacted him. In other words, I wouldn’t be anywhere. Mark helped me get half a dozen agents to request a partial manuscript and another half a dozen or to request my full manuscript. Now I have an agent. I am really surprised and really pleased!” [click here to see the full review of children’s book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I just got an agent, Amy Jameson with A+B Works! I hit the ceiling when I saw that she was interested. I had other agents interested as well, but Amy was prompt and the right agent for me. Not everybody has a lot of money to spend on their writing, but if you’re trying to be a successful author, you have to invest some money in yourself. Mark’s fees are a reasonable investment for what he gives his clients, and his time, energy, and expertise are really worth a lot. I’m very happy.” [click here to see the full review of young adult book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Before I worked with Mark, I sent out my own horribly written query letters and got only rejections. Now my book is being published in hardcover with Merit Press, an imprint of Adams Media and F+W. Mark actually helped me with multiple projects and, when I sent out my first revised query, I was only able to send it to five agents before I started getting multiple requests. One of them arrived in just a few hours!” [click here to see the full review of young adult fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“For a long time I had the vision that my book would be published, but it wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t invested in myself. Before I met Mark, I sent out queries with no requests for more material. I didn’t know what I was doing—it was like shooting darts in the air. Mark helped me get an offer for representation from Regina Ryan, who runs a successful Manhattan-based literary agency. If you have a dream to be published, it won’t quiet down until you try!” [click here to see the full review of children’s book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“The work that you do with authors is really worth it. In a short time you can get so much that will take you to the next level. Coaching with you has been a very pleasant experience. You’re supportive and get right to the point, but I also feel safe and open when I talk to you and you weren’t pushy. I got what I expected, and more. Thank you so much.” [click here to see the full review of children’s book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Working with you was the smartest move of my writing career! Janet Reid, one of my favorite agents, is now my agent. My heart is pounding and the song ‘At Last’ is going through my head. When my husband saw the query, he said, ‘This was worth every penny.’ You took all my ideas and answers, which were roaming all over the place, and put them together in a coherent system of thought that really worked. I think about you and how far you’ve gotten me, a lot. With big smiles and many thanks. I’m grinning like the Cheshire Cat.” [click here to see the full review of picture book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Mark, you helped me get offers from two agents and I just signed with Lee Sobel. This is EXACTLY why I hired you. My wife had to scrape me off the ceiling! It’s still unreal to me, damn exciting. Business has taught me that in order to make money you’ve got to bloody well spend it. Publishing is a business, and you know that business as well as anyone. Thank you again, Mark, from my heart, for everything you’ve done for me. I appreciate you more than you know.” [click here to see the full review of young adult fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Thank you for all your help. I just signed with Terrie Wolf at AKA Literary Management. I’m super grateful, Harvard didn’t teach me this! The money to work with you was a huge investment, especially since I have (Harvard) student loans. But I tend to be a risk-taker. It was also helpful that a friend of mine who worked with you spoke highly of you. Working with someone new is always a risk, but it wasn’t a total shot in the dark, and I really wanted to know how to do this. Thank you again for everything.” [click here to see the full review of picture book author coach Mark Malatesta]
“When I got an email from a literary agent asking me to set up a call with her, it wasn’t clear if she was offering representation. The message just said, ‘We would like to discuss it with you.’ I didn’t realize until we were a little bit into it that they were, indeed, making me an offer. I remember thinking, when Mark and I first talked, ‘This guy’s for real, he’s easy to talk to, and he listens.’ That’s why I was able to table my ego and say, ‘I’m going to listen and do what he says and I’m going to do it the best I can.’ I’m glad I did.” [click here to see the full review of young adult fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Holy @#%! Four minutes after I queried Rosemary Stimola—my dream agent who represents my idol Suzanne Collins, author of THE HUNGER GAMES—she asked to read my manuscript. I’m shaking. OMG! I’m a writer and I don’t know what to say. I literally can’t speak. I’m going to cry because I’m freaking out, but I’m really happy. Mark, your system is brilliant, I love you!!! I almost fell off my chair. FOUR MINUTES! That is the power of your query.” [click here to see the full review of middle grade fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
Children’s Book Authors – View More Reviews of Mark Malatesta
The reviews listed above by children’s book authors are only some of the reviews about Mark Malatesta on this website. To see additional comments and reviews about Mark’s websites, author newsletter, articles, training, speaking, events, etc. click here to view General Reviews of Mark Malatesta. Also, if you want 1-on-1 support to help you get your book for younger readers published with a publisher like Scholastic or Harcourt, click here to access all of the Free Resources on our websites for authors. And click here to find out how you can Schedule an Introductory Coaching Call with Author Coach Mark Malatesta.