Fiction Author Reviews of Mark Malatesta
Scroll below to see Mark Malatesta Reviews provided by fiction authors who worked 1-on-1 with Mark as an author coach to secure book deals with publishers such as Random House, Ballantine, Penguin, etc. Former Literary Agent Mark Malatesta is founder and president of The Bestselling Author and Literary Agent Undercover. He works with authors of all genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books), primarily to help them improve their writing projects and pitch materials to get the attention of top literary agents.
Reviews of Mark Malatesta by Fiction Authors
“Ballantine Books published my first two novels in hardcover and paperback after Mark Malatesta helped create an auction and bidding war for my books, resulting in a six-figure offer. Mark is one of the rare and genuine good guys, but he also has incredible information (even his ideas have ideas). One of the most important keys to success as an author is good information and support.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Before I revised my query letter with Mark, I got no responses. When I sent out my new query, I got four requests for more material within 24 hours. The support Mark provides is fantastic. His suggestions changed my original query significantly, but they also helped me see that I had something to offer. Now I have a top agent! Mark is smart and reliable and working with him has made all the difference.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Finding Mark has been both a treat and a treasure. I now have two different agents for my work, and book deals with both Skyhorse Publishing [named the ‘fastest growing small publisher in America’ by Publishers Weekly] and Blackstone Publishing. I’ve served as Creative Director of the TIME Incorporated Magazine Group; Director of Time World News Service, a Founding Director of TIME-Life Films; Executive Producer for both the CBS and NBC Television Networks; and Producer/ Director: Movies of the Week: CBS Cinema Center Films and Universal MCA. You just can’t do it alone today as an author.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I just spoke to Helen Zimmermann and she offered to represent my book! Yay!!! I’m so happy, I’m crying. I initially felt a little bit intimidated at the thought of working with you, before I spoke to you, but you’re really relatable and easy to talk to. Not just knowledgeable. So, I would encourage other people to get over it if they’re nervous and give you a chance. There’s so much that authors don’t know about how all this works, and all those things could take years, forever, or never to figure out.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I got offers from two top literary agents, Richard Curtis and Victoria Skurnick. The last time I tried to get an agent, for a different book, I didn’t ask for help and I endured a Chinese water torture of drip-drip-drip rejections that came in at roughly the same slow rate that I was querying. It was really demoralizing, and I didn’t get any requests. Working with you made me feel like I was part of a team—and my teammate brought to the game a wealth of inside knowledge, insights, and experience. Just what I needed to avoid the lengthy, painful process of trial-and-error I’d fought through before on my own.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Mark is very helpful to authors struggling to get representation. He taught me how to write the best query and he helped me to see light on the other side of the tunnel when I was not in an enviable situation. He also helped put in perspective my course of action towards getting an agent. And I must not forget that he has continued to help me develop confidence in myself. Now I have an agent. I shall always remain grateful for all the help Mark gave me.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I just signed a three-book deal! I was pretty despondent before it happened. I had gotten messages from a lot of people interested but nobody was offering me a contract. I laid in bed having a private pity party. Done. Ready to rip up everything, take it all to the dump. The next evening, I was sitting at my computer getting ready to delete everything, but I decided to check my inbox first. I had a message time stamped from 10:36 that morning. It was a three sentence email from a publisher that said, ‘I loved the book. It was great. I’d like to offer you a contract if there are three books in this series.’ I can’t tell you how thrilled I am. ” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“It was pretty remarkable when I signed with an agent because I’d been marketing my book for a while and I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to get representation. I was discouraged and hadn’t written in over a year. I was doing other things and looking for a job. Mark followed up with me and spurred me to contact the agents about my outstanding submissions even though it had been nearly a year since I submitted my manuscripts. It was longer than I’d hoped, but, even though my contract with Mark was only for a year, he didn’t let me down.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“It was surreal the day I signed a contract. Jennifer Lyons represents the Martin Luther King estate, as well as authors who’ve won the: Nobel Prize, Pulitzer, National Book Award, PEN Literary Award, Hurston/Wright Legacy Award, Coretta Scott King Book Award, National Jewish Book Award, Koret Award, Lambda award, and more. Finally signing the contract was a wonderful experience. I’m feeling really good and I couldn’t have done this without you, Mark. Thank you so much for everything.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“From wallflower to prom queen—two agents offered to represent me! WooHoo!!! There had been a whole string of days where I didn’t hear from any agents. Then literary agent Bob Diforio forwarded a note to me from one his readers that said, ‘I read the first half of the book on my way to the UK, and I read the second half on my way back. It was un-putdownable. This is a great project.’ Bob then said, ‘I’d like to represent you,’ and he asked if we could set up a call. My heart stopped. I thought I misread the email! Your system works. I didn’t have any problem shutting up and doing what you said. Well, maybe a bit in the beginning…but I got over it, and I’m glad I did.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Before I worked with Mark I bought books on how to query agents, took online courses, and worked 1-on-1 with a coach at Writer’s Digest. I didn’t get any requests for my complete manuscript. I felt like I was banging my head against the wall. Mark helped me get twelve literary agencies interested in my novel, including well-known agencies such as Writer’s House. I signed with Christine Cohen of the Virginia Kidd Agency who specializes in my genre and was very enthusiastic about my writing.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I’m 91 years old and the most valuable part of working with Mark was knowing that whenever I had a question he was there to advise me. Several years ago I tried to get an agent, but nothing came of it. This time, with Mark’s help, I got many requests for my manuscript or partial manuscript–and now I have an agent!” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I remember telling my secretary I was getting awful tired of querying, but I didn’t give up. Two days later, I had an offer. I was sitting at my desk at my office when, all of a sudden, an email popped up on my computer screen. It seemed to indicate somebody was doing something nobody else was doing — taking me seriously! I’m very pleased that I’ve got you and my agent in my corner…and I’m in debt to you for helping me find her.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“It has been an awfully long and bloody road towards publication but I’m finally on my way. Hard work, struggle, disappointments, and perseverance are important. So is following the advice of publishing industry experts like Mark. He helped me get a top literary agent and now my novel, The Wrong Hand is being published by Penguin Books and their prestigious Michael Joseph imprint, which is ‘principally interested in publishing Top Ten Bestsellers’. It’s hard not to be excited.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I had a great conversation with my new agent at Trident media last night. I’m thrilled, as Trident was one of my top picks, my agent has standout credentials, and, like you, he’s a gentleman and likes to move fast. You prepared me for the worst, because, as you said, it can take more than a year of querying and many hundreds of queries to get an offer, but my agent asked to read my manuscript 40 minutes after I queried him, in my first round of queries. I sent it to him within two minutes and he offered representation a week later. Incredible. I’m really excited to be at this stage, the beginning of absolute Nirvana.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Felicia Eth is now my agent—Woo-hoo! It was definitely one of the better days of my life, and I’m not being overly dramatic. It was life-affirming, the biggest indication from someone who wasn’t a family member, didn’t love me, or I hadn’t hired, that I had what it takes as an author. The hardest part of being a writer is believing in yourself. It’s an isolating thing. You write by yourself and you hope that you’re good enough. If I was in your zip code, Mark, I’d kiss you! This will have to do. :)*” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Not only did I get a publishing contract, my book now has more than 100 reviews and it was named an Amazon bestseller. Yippeee!!! Before I decided to work with you, I sent out queries, but didn’t get one request to read my manuscript. Within days of sending out my new query, two agents asked for a partial and a full. Your encouragement to persevere has been a boost for my confidence. You’re congenial and tactful, and you’re good at helping authors keep their morale up. Our conversations have been enlightening and enjoyable. I could talk with you all afternoon.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Budding writers, follow Mark Malatesta’s advice. It might be the final push you need to get your book published. It’s worth its weight in gold. Thanks to Mark’s help with my story and pitch materials, my book is now available in bookstores and online. Mark is a miracle worker and my publisher described my book as ‘Powerful Magic’! Hiring Mark was the best-spent money of my life apart (possibly) from my wedding ring.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I just got offers from two publishers and, following your advice, I was able to get them to expedite their review of my manuscript. If authors follow your instructions and they’re diligent, they can meet with success. Your process builds confidence. It helps authors believe in their work and stay enthused, instead of getting frustrated and confused, to the point where they want to say, ‘Ah, I’m giving up on this.’ I also like that you don’t work with authors if you think their work is garbage or their writing isn’t good enough. I’m glad I found you.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“It’s such a pity that Mark is happily married! He’s been a great friend to me for many years and his support and encouragement are ultimately what led to me becoming a writer—just not the kind he was expecting! I now have six steamy erotica novels in print after being headhunted and signed with four publishers. There were times when I doubted myself, but Mark’s steadfast support kept me writing. Mark, you’re a diamond!” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I liken Mark to a master tailor from Saville Row. He’s not cheap. Who wants cheap, anyway? Cheap doesn’t fit right, doesn’t last long, and, most of all, doesn’t make you look your best. Mark develops a unique strategy for you based on your needs and wants as an author, a perfect fit, so you look your best when approaching agents and publishers—and he will be with you, holding your hand every step of your journey until you achieve success.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I had to send many hundreds of queries, but three publishers offered to publish my book! It is a nice sensation, the feeling that your book is going to get out. The book went through major edits, a lot of cuts, and my editor did wonderful work. One of his writers has a Pulitzer Prize. Whenever I needed help or had questions, you were there. Your words of encouragement were the highlight of the process for me. Without you, my novel would not have had any hope of being published. I really appreciate your help.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I sent out hundreds of query letters over the course of several years before I found Mark. Have you read the Stephen King quote about him papering a wall of his house with rejection letters? That was me, except my apartment was papered two or three times over. Mark helped me get five agents offering to represent me. Everything is roses here now, and champagne. Mark has made a huge difference in my career, and my life.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Aaaaaaaaa!!! I’m so excited!! I have an agent! Before we started working together, Mark, I’d attended conferences and had critiques. I’d also sent stories to editors, but my queries were very bad and the process was taking forever. If I was asked to compare my previous query letter to the one that you helped me write, it was like getting an ‘F’ on a writing assignment and then getting an ‘A’. I couldn’t have done it without you!” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I’m a very serious writer, so I was only interested in top agents. I’d been looking at agents for a long time, and I’d always seen the Sandra Dijkstra’s Agency at the top of the list. I had sent a query to them about my novel before, but it didn’t light a fire. So, when I got an offer from them, this time, with your help, I was tremendously excited. I appreciate your knowledge and support, and I’ve enjoyed my time with you. I’ve won prizes for my writing and had creative writing teachers say, ‘You’re a phenomenon waiting to happen.’ You helped me MAKE it happen.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I was surprised to receive an email from an agent expressing interest in my book. I thought it was another rejection. Instead, it was an agent saying she liked my story. Very much. The following week, she sent another email saying she wanted to represent me. It felt wonderful. You have a wealth of information but you’re also very approachable. You don’t give authors the feeling you’re going to judge or reprimand them, or that they need to be afraid of anything. It’s nice to have somebody you can talk to about your work and get feedback.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Jill Marr with Sandra Dijkstra & Associates Literary Agency, got multiple publishers interested in my novel, A Knife in the Fog, and I just signed a two-book deal with Seventh Street Books, an imprint of Prometheus Books. When it was confirmed I had an agent, I opened a bottle of wine, got some nice Irish cheddar cheese, and my wife and I celebrated. I had three bottles of wine set aside: one bottle for when I got the agent, one for when the book sells, and the third one for when the book is published. Life could not be better. Thank you for everything. We have come a long way, my friend.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I was recently awarded The Bram Stoker Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest honor in my genre. If it wasn’t for your faith in my writing, I wouldn’t have gotten an agent. You kept pushing and believing, and eventually everything came together. Forget about your support being a paid service. Sometimes you pay for something and get nothing, or you get a ‘professional’ who’s detached or distant. With you, there was always a personal touch that came from a genuine place.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Without your help, guidance, and expertise there’s no way I would have been able to land an agent. Even having worked in the film business for thirty years, I was out of my realm and overwhelmed. Working with you was expensive but worth it. In fact, it was so expensive, I didn’t tell my wife how much it cost. But now I can, and she would understand the value. I was helpless and needed a Sherpa. To other authors reading this, if you try and climb the mountain by yourself, you’re more than likely going to get stuck or fall. Get the help you need to make it and make the journey more enjoyable.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“After getting many requests for my thriller / horror novel, Nurse Blood, I now have an agent and a book deal! One of my short stories was also recently published in the short story anthology, Anything But Zombies, published by Atria Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. Working with Mark is totally worth it, and a pleasure!” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Having lost my long-term agent to retirement, I was frustrated. I hired Mark and sent out a query he wrote for me, and I got wonderful replies, including an offer from Susan Schulman, a NY agent who’s very well-known. It made me feel fantastic, not only getting the agent, but knowing everything I did with Mark was actually successful. He provided me with the tools to do this, and, without it, I wouldn’t have even attempted it, because it was just too difficult. If you’re an author who wants to get an agent, Mark can help you find your way.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Bancroft Press is publishing my book and sending it out to try getting a movie contract! Bob Diforio is my agent. I tried to get an agent for three years before I worked with Mark. One year for my current manuscript and a couple years for another one. I got very little response, almost nothing. That’s when, having seen Mark’s advertisements pop up on different occasions, I figured maybe I should try one last thing before self-publishing. I figured, maybe there was something I could do better. After Mark revised and rearranged my query, all of a sudden I got ten requests from agents to read my manuscript. If I hadn’t worked with Mark, I probably wouldn’t have gotten an agent. Mark, you’re the best!” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I love writing stories, and I felt it was the right time to make an investment in my writing, something I needed help with to get other people believing in it as much as I do. A lot of people won’t believe in your writing, but you just need one to get where you want to go.
Working with you made a big difference. Even if I hadn’t gotten an agent, I wouldn’t have regretted working with you. I would have been disappointed, but I would have known I gave myself the best chance. I never would have made it this far on my own. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I met my publisher and signed the contract. It’s exciting! You helped me hang on and keep hope alive when I was frustrated. Sometimes, when you talk with a professional, they don’t understand your feelings. You’re always encouraging, which is unusual. You’re very human. I enjoyed the journey with you just as much as the outcome. I’m really happy about that. Thank you very much, and let’s keep in touch.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“For a long time, I saw myself as a writer and wanted this to be my life and career. I had tried to get an agent and book deal before on my own, but nothing came through. So I was surprised when Bill Contardi, a top agent with Brandt & Hochman, wanted to represent me so soon after I started working with Mark. Bill was one of the very first agents I queried, and he wasn’t the only agent who asked for more material. I got many requests, and one of them came in just 15 minutes!” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I spent years trying to find a literary agent and get my work published on my own, but never sold anything. Now that I’ve worked with Mark, I see the difference. I’m Twitterpated!!!!! After sending out my new query, I immediately got two positive responses from top literary agents. The first request came within two minutes! I’ve really enjoyed being privy to Mark’s wealth of knowledge and I hope more authors sign up for his services and take his advice.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Many thanks, Mark, for your help. It’s a really good feeling to have somebody believe in you enough to say, ‘I’ll be your agent.’ I sent out queries before I found you, but didn’t get anywhere. You helped me make the query more interesting and engaging, but you also helped me make the manuscript more marketable. You’re very knowledgeable, but you’re also congenial, personable, laid-back, and fun to talk to. Like my agent. What more could an author ask for?” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“Finding the right agent takes perseverance, but, thanks to you, Mark, it was a good experience. After months of sending out submissions, there in my email inbox, buried among all the other stuff that comes in every day, I saw an email from an agent who wanted to represent me. I was very excited! I feel fortunate to have found you and I’ve been recommending you to other writers. If an author values the time they have invested in their project, I recommend they take advantage of someone like you evaluate it. Thank you!” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
“I had written more than 20 plays and co-written dozens of published textbooks and test-prep books when I discovered my experience meant little in trade book publishing. In fact, I hadn’t the slightest idea how to get a literary agent or how to publish my mystery/thriller series. Research proved contradictory. Fortunately, my family gifted me coaching by Mark Malatesta, who proved a perceptive and frank guide—always honest, but supportive. He only takes on clients who he thinks have a chance at a publishing contract and then teaches them STRATEGIES and PERSISTENCE. After learning how to write impactful bios, summaries and query letters, I emailed 205 agent query packets in three weeks based on Mark’s data. I rather quickly received eight requests for full manuscript and three invitations by top agents to represent my work. I now have a top-tier, experienced agent in Jacques de Spoelberch. I could not have concluded this stretch of my journey without Mark.”
“As I was writing to tell you I got an offer from an agent — she loves my novel — I got a phone call from ANOTHER agent. He said he could sell a series of non-fiction books for me! I really like my agent. She’s personable and easy to talk to, and she really likes my book. If someone reading this is thinking about working with you, I would tell them, ‘Don’t think about it, just do it. You have to invest in yourself at some point. Nobody else will. So, it might as well be you.’ Thank you, Mark, for getting me to this point.” [click here to see the full review of fiction author coach Mark Malatesta]
Fiction Authors – View More Reviews of Mark Malatesta
The reviews listed above by fiction authors are only some of the reviews about Mark Malatesta on this website. To see additional comments and reviews about Mark’s websites, author newsletter, articles, training, speaking, events, etc. click here to view General Reviews of Mark Malatesta. Also, if you want 1-on-1 support to help you get your novel published with a publisher like Random House, Ballantine, or Penguin, click here to access all of the Free Resources on our websites for authors. And click here to find out how you can Schedule an Introductory Coaching Call with Mark Malatesta.